

The bus stopped on the roadside in a small township, and the young lady sitting next to me stood up to get down. She held my hand and tugged me, indicating that I should follow her. Who was she, and why should I go with her? I had no idea. She appeared to be a doctor, as I could understand from her white apron. 

I was in a dilemma for a few seconds, whether to go with her! My heart said she was a friendly and trustworthy lady, so I stepped off the bus. It was a hot day, but the lush green trees and fresh rustic wind were refreshing and protected us from heat. 

"Where are we going? I asked and looked at her. It seemed she could not hear me and indicated toward an ambulance approaching us from the other side of the road. Within a fraction of a minute, the ambulance took a U-turn and stopped near us.

The driver assisted me in climbing in and made me sit on an inclined leather seat, tied my seat belt, and fixed an oxygen mask on my face. The lady sat on the chair near me, and I tried to speak to her, but my voice felt choked. I was feeling helpless due to my inability to communicate.

The ambulance entered a compound that belonged to the lady doctor. I was soon inside her house in a wheelchair.

"I am Dr. Anusha," the lady introduced herself. I found you lying unconscious on the bus and gave you a cardiac massage, after which you came to your senses. I have called my husband, Dr. Vikash, a cardiologist, to examine you. We cannot contact your family or friends since we have no information about your name, address, or phone number, AS you cannot speak, and no documents or cell phones were found with you.

This is a small suburban town about 100 Km away from Chennai, and we have no proper medical facilities here for cardiac treatment. However, there is an excellent charitable hospital at a distance of about 30 km from here, where there are qualified and experienced cardiologists. We intend to send you there if my husband recommends it.

"What is your name, sir? Can you speak?" Dr. Anusha asked.

"My name is Ranjit….” I replied feebly, but it was obvious from her facial expression that my voice was inaudible.

 I began to think about how and why I was on the bus and was shocked that I had lost my voice.

“Sir, can you speak?” she asked again. I shook my head in negative.

“You will be all right. Please don’t worry." Dr. Anusha touched my hand and assured me.

Her husband arrived and came straight to me. He examined my heartbeat, pulse, and blood pressure and discussed it with Anusha. She gave me some medicines and injections, and I slept.


I woke up to find the doctor couple sitting close by and chatting in a low tone. I could notice some new faces, and as per their activities and dresses, they looked like medicos from some hospital.

Dr. Anusha came closer and explained that my heart was not working correctly and could be a severe problem if not attended immediately. Therefore, she contacted the hospital, and they sent an ambulance to pick me up.

The paramedics took me out in a wheelchair and lifted me into the waiting ambulance, well-equipped with essential support systems. Some nurses and technicians were already on board,  ready to receive me. I was made to lie on a stretcher, and the belts were tied.

One of the nurses fixed an oxygen mask on my face, and the monitor's leads were connected to my body. The air conditioner was running silently, throwing cold air through the vents; despite that, I was sweating. A nurse brought some wet tissues and wiped my face.

 We reached the hospital in half an hour, and I was taken straight to the emergency Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

 "I am Dr. Kavita, resident cardiologist in charge of Cardiac ICU, " the lady doctor said.

 "How are you feeling now, sir?" “Dr. Anusha has informed me about you,” she said.

 I tried to speak but could not do that. She looked at the bedside monitor, which indicated low blood oxygen level, hence instructed the nurse to increase oxygen intake. After examining me, she entered the details in the bedside chart and asked the nurse to give me intravenous drips.

 The nurse fixed a cannula on my left wrist and connected the drips. The fluid from the bottle began to trickle into my bloodstream. Later a senior doctor came and checked me. He inquired about my details from Dr. Kavita. She told him what Dr. Anusha had informed her about finding me unconscious on a bus and losing my voice.

My son had an online consultation with a senior cardiologist at Apollo Hospital, Chennai, because my breathing problem was severe and deteriorating fast. He was advised to take me there for a detailed investigation.

 I went to Chennai with my son Prashant and was rushed immediately to the hospital in the ambulance waiting for me at the airport. The senior cardiologist visited me, and investigations, including angiography, were done in consultation with a nephrologist.

The detailed investigation revealed that I had hypertensive heart disease, severe mitral regurgitation, and pulmonary hypertension. The senior cardiologist advised Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery and replacement of the Mitral Valve. He finalized a highly experienced cardiovascular surgeon for the surgery. A version nephrologist was also consulted since the creatinine level was slightly high.

The team consisting of the cardiologist, surgeon, and nephrologist was ready to finalize a date for the surgery. But due to a sudden surge in my creatinine level, which indicated poor kidney condition, the nephrologist advised temporary postponement of the surgery and prescribed a minimum of seven dialysis until the kidney function improved.

The cardiologist, surgeon, and nephrologist explained the situation to us and advised that I should stay outside and do a minimum of seven dialyzes as an outpatient to avoid unnecessary expenses and any infection in the hospital as COVID was at its peak. The surgery would be taken up only after the kidney condition improved. With this advice, I was discharged from the hospital.

 I stayed in the rented apartment near the hospital with my son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. It was a flat having all amenities consisting of two bedrooms, a large drawing cum dining hall, an open kitchen, and a balcony in the rear. It was spacious, and we stayed there happily.

 Sanjana had taken charge of the kitchen and was preparing food. My food was exceptional, with only 3 grams of salt per day, and my water intake was also limited to 500 ML, as advised by doctors. Seven dialyzes were done in consultation with the nephrologist, and regular blood tests were done to monitor kidney function.

 The creatinine level had decreased, and the doctors were satisfied with the progress. It took nearly one month for kidney function to improve, and now it was high time to go for surgery per the nephrologist and the Cardiologist. I continued thinking until I fell asleep.

 I woke up when a nurse was doing my routine checkup. Why and how did I come to this place alone from Chennai, and where are Prashant, Sanjana, and Swastika? I wondered. They must be apprehensive about me.

 "Good morning, how are you? The nurse greeted me.

 "Good morning, sister. I am better," I responded.

The nurse was surprised to hear me speaking. "Wow! Great! So, you have finally regained your voice!" the nurse exclaimed.

  "What is your name, please?" the nurse asked.

 "My name is Ranjit," I replied.

 She almost ran to call the doctor on duty.

 The doctor was a young man in his twenties. "What is your name?" he asked.

"My name is Ranjit Dutt," I replied.

"Please tell me more about you?" the doctor inquired.

I told him about my heart problem and how I came for treatment at Apollo Hospital, Chennai, with my son about two months ago. We stayed in a rented apartment near Apollo Hospital with my son and family.

"Where am I now? I don't know how I came here!"

"Do you remember any mobile number?" the doctor asked.

 "Sorry, doctor, I can't remember."

 "It's ok. We shall get in touch with Apollo Hospital and obtain all your information. Now relax." And he left.

 I was relieved that I could speak again.


The doctors who visited me in the morning round referred me to the senior cardiologist cum surgeon in the hospital. I was taken to his chamber, where he examined me, studied my ECG, ECHO reports, etc., and declared that bypass surgery and valve replacement were urgently required and scheduled surgery for the next day.

 I tried to explain to him that I was already under treatment at Apollo Hospital, Chennai, and my surgery would be done there, but he disagreed.

 “Your heart condition calls for immediate surgery, and we shall have to do it tomorrow," the senior cardiologist cum surgeon said. I clarified to him that I wouldn't agree to surgery unless my son or family member arrived. The doctor looked offended due to my blunt refusal.

  "Your condition is terrible, and surgery must be done tomorrow," he said and left.

 Dr. Anusha was waiting for me when I returned to my bed in the ICU. She was happy that I was able to speak now. She told me that she had already contacted my son Prashant after collecting his number from Apollo Hospital and that Prashant and Sanjana were expected in the late evening.

 I informed her that the cardio surgeon was pressing for immediate surgery here, whereas the arrangement for the surgery was already made in Apollo Hospital, Chennai.

 She said this hospital was quite good, and the doctors and surgeons were highly experienced in open heart surgery, so I need not worry. However, she promised to talk to the senior cardiologist about this.

 I wondered why this charity hospital was pressurizing me for the operation. Anyway, I must discuss this with my son when he arrives. The following day I learned that Prashant and Sanjana had come last night. I requested the nurse to call them. It was 9 a.m. when Prashant met me. He informed me that he had already consulted the senior cardiologist here and was convinced that the surgery was required urgently.

 "Dad, everything will be fine; you don’t worry," he tried to boost my confidence.

 He praised Dr. Anusha and Dr. Vikash for caring for me and arranging hospital admission.

  “It is so kind of them,” he said.

 Sanjana, my daughter-in-law, also visited me after Prashant left. She looked a bit distraught and scared. “Apollo Hospital was the best,” she said.  

 "Hey, don't worry, I will be fine," I said.

 "Where is dear Swastika?" I inquired.

 "She is fine, Papa. We left her with Mrs. Prakash," she replied.

 It was almost 10 AM when a nurse and a ward boy came with a trolley to take me to the operation theatre. The nurse had already prepared me for the operation, and they transferred me to the trolley. The nurse gave me several injections before going to the operating theatre.

 Prashant and Sanjana also accompanied me up to the OT. I saw them waving at me while entering the OT area. My trolley stopped outside the OT, where a nurse came out in her green gown and cap. She asked my name and confirmed it from my wristband. She informed me that sanitization was in progress and that I would have to wait a few minutes.

I closed my eyes as I was feeling sleepy. A few minutes later, I was shifted inside the operation theatre.  It was a big room with a green wall, where several lifesaving equipment, computers, monitors, etc., were kept a little away from the operation table.

 I could see many doctors, nurses, and technicians inside, all wearing green aprons, caps, and masks. I was made to lie on the operation table with my hands and legs slightly spread apart.

The cardiovascular surgeon was sitting on a chair inside, waiting for the anesthesiologists to finish giving me anesthesia.

The anesthesiologists checked for suitable locations on my hands for intravenous drips and blood transfusions.

They ensured the supply line was fixed correctly and told me they would give me an injection for sleeping. I knew it was time to provide me with general anesthesia. I closed my eyes and went into deep sedation.

I was lying in the OT room for a long time, feeling weak and drained. I learned later that the operation had continued for about 12 hours. Although my eyes were closed and the room was dark, I could hear some people talking.  Late at night, I shifted to a room with five patients. Several nurses in white robes sang a song in an unknown language.

 The nurses went to all the patients individually and asked their names. I was shocked to hear that all the patients had the same name. All of them said their name was Ranjit. The nurses came to me also and asked for my name.

“My name is Ranjit, and all others are fake,” I yelled.

I was shocked to find that not only they had stolen my name, but even their faces were the same as mine. How is it possible? Was there some conspiracy going on against me? Do they want to steal my identity?

The nurses did not respond to me and started another hymn. One ward boy who entered the room also joined them in singing.  It seemed like a drama was being enacted before me, where everyone in the room was playing a role. What was happening in the room? I kept wondering. The surrounding was very scary. Do six persons have the same name and face?

Is it possible? I wanted clarification from the nurses, but they hardly spoke and just stared at me.

Three patients in front of me, three on my side, and three wall-mount televisions opposite me were playing, but only the one opposite my bed was visible. A video was playing there, which appeared from some Asian country. The video camera was focused on a man wearing an army outfit who was randomly firing at a crowd of people with an automatic gun. 

The scariest thing I observed was that the man in the video was similar to the patient on the bed before me. Some conspiracy was on against me!  What was going on? Something was fishy! But what? I failed to understand.

The nurses in white gowns and white facemasks with burning candles in their hands started another hymn and moved around my bed in a circle.

 A nurse came near me and asked why I was not sleeping.

 "How can I sleep with the television playing before me?" I replied.

“Where is the television?” she asked.

I pointed my finger toward the TV on the wall and said aloud, “There.....!”

The nurse pulled the curtain around my bed and asked me to sleep.

The nurses spoke among themselves, which was not audible to me, but it appeared from their activities as if they were enacting a drama before us.

The ward boy in green trousers and a green T-shirt came with a trolley, talked to the nurses, and shifted me to another location. I felt a great relief to distance myself from these creeps.


This new place was a hall where many furniture, decorative items, and electronic gadgets were displayed, and people in fashionable clothes were moving around here and there. The room adjacent to us was a dining hall, and a buffet dinner was served for the guests. I could see some people eating food and drinking tea and coffee.

Several beautiful, sexy girls in pink dresses were looking after the guests. There was a fountain in the center with colorful lights and instrumental music played at a low volume. The whole environment was very pleasing and fascinating.

It was late at night, and I was not feeling sleepy. The crowd had disappeared, the restaurant closed, and the lights were dimmed. I found several TVs on the walls still playing in mute mode.

One girl was sitting at a computer in the corner, and it was amazing to see some trays full of ice cream cups of different colors on her table. The laptop was connected to a big machine, where she used to feed the ice cups, and within a minute, those ice creams were converted to big slabs of colorful ice cream and slid down to the large trays on the floor. What a fantastic process! I had never witnessed such machines before and kept watching the strange phenomenon.

A girl in a blue dress came to feed me some medicines, which I swallowed. She took me to the washroom with the support of one ward boy. On the way, I could see more beds along the passage where people slept.

I was feeling exhausted when I returned to bed. The fountain in the middle of the hall, around the water pool, looked lovely in the twinkling lights. The scenario was attractive, but the ladies sitting around the fountain in dark navy-blue hoods and faces hidden beneath masks seemed very mysterious.

Why were they sitting there in the dark, I wondered? It flashed to me that we were probably captives, and the women kept watching us.

Two girls came to me and asked whether I required anything.

“I want ice cream,” I demanded.

“Oh, sorry, sir, we don’t have ice cream,” one of them said.

“Let me give you a nice energy drink; you will like it and feel strong,” she said, smiling.

I was annoyed with them, as they were telling a lie. I could see the big load of colorful ice creams right in front of me; and these two lousy girls believed they could fool me.

One of them brought a flask and poured a warm glass of energy drink, which looked like a milkshake. They adjusted my bed to a suitable inclined position and gave me a glass of energy drink.

I took the glass hesitantly as the butterscotch or strawberry ice crème were more tempting. “Take it, sir; it is delicious,” she said.

I took a sip of the energy drink reluctantly. Wow, it had a good vanilla taste, which I enjoyed finishing. I bottomed it up, and surprisingly, my energy level was boosted like magic.

  The girls were very talkative but decent and good souls, so I asked their names. One was Rosy, and another one was Shelly.

“Nice names,” I complimented. "Where do you live?"

They were smiling.

"Why do you smile," I asked.

“We stay in the icehouse in Paradise,” they said, still smiling.

“Not very far, and they asked me whether I would like to go out with them!” they said.

Icehouse? Are they bluffing me again?

“Yes, I would like to see your icehouse. Whether I am allowed to go out,” I was keen.

"No sir, you are not allowed to go out, but if you promise secrecy, we can take you out through a secret door," Shelly whispered.

"We shall take you out after half an hour when our duty ends," they said. The girls were naughty; one even dared to pinch my cheeks before leaving, leaving me red faced.


It must have been around midnight when Rosy and Shelly came.

"Can you walk?" Shelly asked.

"The energy drink was delicious; it boosted my energy. I can walk." I replied with confidence.

“Let's go then,” they said and helped me to get down from the bed.

They covered me with a silky black sheet from head to toe and supported me from both sides as we proceeded to the rear of the hall. There was a laundry room with a hidden door behind the washing machine through which we went out.

They removed the black sheet from me, and I had a fantastic view of the sea beach in front, where people were sitting or lying on the sand and enjoying beers and drinks with snacks. The vendors were moving around selling beverages and snacks.

It was a full moon night, and the beach was buzzing with activities.

"Do you like the sea beach?" Rosy asked.

"Yes, it is definitely beautiful,” I responded.

They did not stop there but continued to walk.

"Where are you taking me?" I wanted to know.

"We are taking you to Paradise," Rosy said with a cunning smile.

"How far do we have to go?" I wanted to know.

 "We have almost reached," Shelly replied.

Shelly asked me to look ahead, and when I looked in front, it was a scene so amazing that I was mesmerized by the immense beauty of the breathtaking Ice House. I had never imagined that there could be such a palatial building made of ice on the earth!

A large neon signboard displayed the name "THE PARADISE."

The front lawn had well-groomed green grasses and cubicles made of green organic walls, where sofas and tables were placed for the guests.

"Amazing arrangements," I commented.

"Let's go to the real Paradise," Rosy said, pulling me towards the Icehouse. The massive building made of solid ice and decorated with colorful lights looked fabulous.

We entered a beautiful lobby, where some hostesses received us and took us to the changing room. We freshened up there and wore the new dresses supplied by them. I wore a set of crème-colored pajamas and shirts, and the girls were given maroon-colored pajamas and tops. The silk dresses were very soft and comfortable. We put on the colorful cotton sleepers and were all set for entry to Paradise! I was so curious to see it.

The scene inside was fantastic and fascinating. The walls and ceiling were made of ice with beautiful carvings, and the vast chandeliers and golden lights on the top gave a heavenly look.

The green organic cripplers on the wall added to the mystique of beauty. The hostesses led us to our assigned seats, where beautiful Persian carpets were neatly laid, and the cotton velvet sofas were cozy and comfortable.

We three sat and watched the enchanting dances performed by young boys and girls in the ice-skating ring, accompanied by a live orchestra in front of us.

The ice building was a high-tech structure where the temperature was maintained below freezing to form the ice. Still, the room temperature was higher, around 15 degrees Celsius, and we felt very comfortable there.

The hostesses brought a trolley loaded with varieties of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Rosy and Shelly selected Glenfiddich single malt Scotch whisky, served to us on rocks. An assortment of snacks consisting of grilled chicken escalope with fresh salsa, parmesan fish fingers, green salads with prawn, BBQ Lobsters, potato finger chips, salted cashew nut, fruit salads with ice creams, etc. was served to us. 


We must have spent about 2 hours in Paradise, enjoyed the food and drinks in a  great environment, and now it was time to make payment. The bill was more than rupees one lac ($1400). I had no card and was thinking about how to pay, but that was no issue. The girls asked me to sign the bill, and we came out after changing into our original dresses.

We were talking and walking; I was slightly staggering, so the girls supported me from both sides, but I was so drunk that I collapsed on the sea beach opposite the hospital.

When I opened my eyes, I was lying in my bed. The ice cream machine and the computer were still working, but I did not see any ice cream. Two nurses came to me, and I smiled, looking at them.

"Good morning, Ranjit," they wished.

"Good morning, Rosy and Shelly," I responded.

"Our names are not Rosy or Shelly. We are sisters Radha and Sheela," they said.

"Last night, we went to Paradise. Isn't it?" I questioned them.

"Which Paradise!" they giggled.

“The Icehouse, have you both forgotten so soon?” I reminded.

"We went out through the secret door in the laundry room. Isn't it?" I continued.

"Sir, you underwent a very high-risk Mitral Valve replacement and bypass surgery the day before yesterday, on the 22nd of March. You have just recovered from the general anesthesia 48 hours after the surgery. Today is the 24th of April," Sheela explained.

"After the surgery, this is the first time you have fully recovered from the anesthesia," Sheela clarified.

"Oh, which hospital is this?" I inquired.

"You are in Apollo Hospital, Chennai," Sheela informed.

"We have updated your doctors about you. They will see you soon in the morning round by 9 A.M.," the nurse said.

"What about my son and daughter-in-law?” I wanted to know.

"They have been coming here frequently to inquire about you. We will inform them now that you have recovered," the nurse said.

Apollo Hospital, Chennai, is one of the best hospitals with highly experienced doctors and the latest equipment. The cardiology ICU in Apollo Hospital is very well managed, with enough doctors and nursing staff on duty to look after cardiac surgery. Heart surgery is a significant operation done under general anesthesia; hence, good nursing care of patients is most important for their fast healing and recovery.

The cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, nephrologists, physiotherapists, and dieticians visited at least twice a day to monitor patients' health conditions post-surgery. The junior cardiologists and surgeons are available 24 hours x 7 days.

It was through the excellent efforts of all doctors, nurses, dieticians, physiotherapists, and other staff of the hospital that there was a fast improvement in my health condition. After a few days, I was transferred to the private ward and, after spending one more week there, finally discharged from the hospital with advice for regular dressings of wounds, medicines, physiotherapy, and appropriate diets. 

Prashant and Sanjana were pleased that my surgery was successful, and I had returned home hale and hearty. They were always anxious about my health condition, but now they were relieved of all tensions.

After spending almost three weeks in the hospital, we sat together for dinner. We thanked God for His blessings, without which I would not have survived. Sanjana said she had kept praying for me from the moment I entered the operation theatre until my recovery. She said that my surgery had taken 12 hours and that nine units of blood transfusion were given to me.

My condition was extremely high during the surgery, b. I am still, Revived due to the efforts of the highly qualified and experienced doctors of Apollo Hospital and the blessings of almighty God.

I discussed my experiences with Sanjana and Prashant regarding my traveling in a bus and becoming unconscious, how Dr. Anusha gave me a cardiac massage and preliminary treatments done by her husband, Dr. Vikash, and arrangements for my admission into the Charity Hospital.

How did I meet patients in the recovery room with names and faces similar to mine? Why were the nurses singing and going around with candles in hand in the recovery room? And how did I leave the ICU with the two young girls, Rosy and Shelly? What about the existence of the sea beach and the ice house?

I told them the whole episode through which I had gone and waited for their reactions. They were initially shocked and surprised to hear my story, but soon both of them were laughing aloud. Even my 6-year-old granddaughter was also copying them and clapping without understanding anything.

“Why are you both laughing? Don’t you believe me?” I asked angrily. 

“Papa, you were taken to the cardiology operation theatre on 22nd April at noon, and the operation was done under General Anesthesia," Sanjana said.

The operation took nearly 12 hours, and after surgery, you were sent to the recovery room, and from there, you were transferred to Cardiology ICU. And you came to complete sense only after 48 hours on the 24th of April," Sanjana continued.

"Oh God," I was surprised.

"Then what happened? How did I meet Dr. Anusha, Dr. Vikash, and Dr. Kavita? Did I see a dream?" I questioned.

“Wait, I will explain to you,” said Sanjana.

She said that she was sitting in a hospital outside the operation theatre on the surgery day, so I could not go outside by bus.

General anesthesia was given to me during the surgery, and I was unconscious in the Operation Theatre and not on the bus. I did not meet any doctor, namely Anusha or Vikash.

She continued, "After the initial recovery, you were sent to the cardiology Intensive Care Unit, where a lot of electronic gadgets were kept, and all the furniture there was new and well maintained, which made you feel like to be in a mall."

"There was a pantry in an adjacent room, where patients’ foods were kept on tables, and you thought it to be a restaurant.

The two nurses you remember as Rosy and Shelly were Radha and Sheela, giving you energy drinks at night. Sheela had pinched your cheeks to ascertain your state of consciousness."

"You had long cuts on your legs, and you could not, so going outside the ICU on foot was impossible, and there is no Ice House near the hospital," she looked at me to see my reaction.

“Oh God, then what did I see? Was it a dream?” I asked with curiosity.

“Dad, you had Hallucination,” Sanjana said.

“What is hallucination,” I asked.

Sanjana immediately searched on Google, and the result was as follows:

"Hallucinations are very common in the early days after major surgery, such as heart surgery. It's estimated that up to 40 percent of people report hallucinations and other aspects of delirium following some surgery."

I was well satisfied with her explanations and convinced that it was not in reality but just a Hallucination.

I have almost forgotten this episode of hallucination, but difficult to forget my two characters, Shelly and Rosy!


DisclaimerThis story or any other story posted on this Blog/Web site is entirely a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents portrayed in these are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to the actual person/persons, living or dead, events localities is entirely coincidental.


Rise of Slum Boy

New Story Rise of Slum Boy

One day, he asked his mother, “Mom, is it true that you are not my real mother?”
“Why do you say that?” she asked.
“People say that I was lying roadside, and you collected me from there,” he told her.
“God has sent you to me. You are my son; I have breastfed you from the day you came to my house,” she started crying.
“Mom, you are my real mother; please don’t cry,” Sonu said, holding her.
“Mom, when I grow up, I will try my best to look after you. I will give you all luxuries in life,” he said.
She pulled and embraced him.


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