Inconstant Love

Inconstant Love


Sunil was tall, solid, and an all-rounder in outdoor sports in college and was selected for Police Department and posted as Officer In-charge in a Police Station. A graduate of Commerce and a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, he was a knowledgeable, sincere, and dedicated worker; therefore, he was a favorite of his seniors, who were happy with his performance in successfully solving many pending, complicated cases.

However, he was in trouble when he arrested a close relative of the Home Minister. The senior officials advised him to cooperate with the Minister, but he was a man of strict principles and reluctant to have leniency for a criminal. Thus, he displeased the Minister and the senior officers, which led to his transfer to a remote place. This hurt his ego and therefore resigned from the service.

Renuka Singh, an Assistant Sub-Inspector, who worked under him, was very impressed with his honesty and personality. She had expressed her love and inclination toward him, and she, too, resigned from police service and joined his detective agency. Sunil mostly handled the fieldwork, and Renuka looked after the office works.

They started getting work connected with divorce cases, screening of candidates before recruitment, pre-marriage verification, etc. In addition, they also gave martial arts training to boys and girls in some schools and colleges.

Sunil and Renuka came out from their office on the first floor and locked the door when suddenly a piece of stone came from the roadside and hit it. Sunil at once turned toward the road and tried to locate the person who threw it but could not find any clue.  Probably someone from a bike or car might have thrown it. He picked up the small piece of stone wrapped in white paper.

He removed the wrapper and opened it. It was a piece of blank white paper. Why would someone throw an empty paper ball at us?

Sunil opened the door lock and returned to his seat.

He dipped the paper in water and found something written there. When he saw it carefully, in light, he read it, 7468068055 Babloo.

“Look like someone has written this with a piece of soap. When he was inside a washroom, he probably wrote it,” he told Renuka.

“It seems the person who threw the slip was Babloo, and he wanted me to contact the given mobile number,” he told Renuka.

“Alternately, someone may want you to contact Babloo on this number!” Renuka reacted.

“That is also possible, Renuka, but why did he or she select our office?” he asked her.

“That is a mystery,” she commented.

“Let’s go to the bank first,” Renuka said, and they went out after locking the office.


They found a crowd in front of the Seven Stars Wholesale Garment shop adjacent to the ICICI bank. A police van was parked there nearby.

Sunil asked a person in the crowd what the matter was. He replied that the owner’s son had been kidnapped.

“Do you know the owner?” he asked.

“Yes, I know him; I also have a shop in the same complex,” the man answered.

“What is his name? Sunil asked.

“Raj Malik, a big wholesaler of readymade garments in the city,” he replied.

He thanked him, entered the ICICI Bank, and returned to his office after completing the bank work.

He and Renuka stood outside their office on the First Floor and looked at the road. The distance from the road to his office was approximately 70ft (21 M), and throwing the stone from a moving car or bike seemed like it needed to be more feasible. They went down the road to verify and found it almost impossible to hit his office door from a moving vehicle. Moreover, the road was about 15 ft (4.50 M) lower than his office on the 1st Floor of the building.

Sunil looked at the guest house building across the road and found that someone could easily throw a stone from there using a slingshot. The entrance to the guest house building was from the backside.

Renuka said she would go to the guest house and examine the room opposite their office. She knew the guesthouse manager and asked him to open the space. The manager said that the room had been vacated half an hour before and would take her there personally. She entered the room and opened the window; just opposite her, Sunil was standing in front of the office. She waved to him and talked on her mobile.

He asked her to get details of the occupants’ check-in and check-out times and dates.

She collected the following information:

Names 1. Sudhir Mirdha M/35,  2.Rajni Mirdha F/29,  3.Babul                     Mirdhha M/13

Relations: Husband, Wife, and Son

Address: Village: Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Mob: 7468068055

She wanted to check the CC camera video, but the manager said there was some problem with the DVR (Digital Video Recorder), and the video was not saving on the hard disk.

She noted the company name and DVR Number. The manager said he had already complained to the company about the repair.

The guesthouse had collected copies of the Aadhar card of the husband and wife, but the guests still needed to produce an ID Card for their son.


The details of this family raised certain suspicion since the boy’s name Babul was somewhat similar to Babloo. The following points needed clarification: -

1. Name of the boy, age, and picture.

2. Time of kidnapping and details of the kidnapper, if any.

3. Mode of transportation used by the kidnappers.

4. Suspect, if any, as per family of the kidnapped boy.

5. Whether any ransom demanded?

The family of the kidnapped boy was required to sign and authorize Sunil to take up the investigation.

Sunil asked Renuka to contact the owner of Seven Stars.

Renuka found out the number of Raj Malik, the owner of Seven Stars Wholesaler, and dialed.

“Hi, this is Seven Stars; how can I help you.?” A lady spoke.

“May I speak to Mr. Raj Malik?” Renuka said.

“Ok, please wait; I am transferring the call to him,” she said.

“Hello, who is speaking?” Raj asked.

“Sir, I am speaking from the Globe Detective Agency. We have some clues about the kidnapping of your son. If interested, please contact or meet Mr. Sunil Singh immediately in his office at 1/5D, Trading Enclave on M.G. Road,” Renuka spoke.

The office phone was ringing. Sunil picked it up.

“Sir, I am Raj Malik. I will reach your office in five minutes,”

“Ok. Fine. Come to the first floor, room number 1/5D,” Sunil directed him.

Renuka received Mr. Raj in the reception room and brought him to Sunil’s chamber.

Sunil asked him to take a seat. The man was looking nervous and perplexed.

“Mr. Raj, please relax. Everything will be fine,” Sunil spoke.

 Renuka gave him a glass of water.

“Sir, I am in big trouble. I cannot think and decide my course of action,” he spoke.

“I was thinking of contacting you,” Raj Malik said.

“I want to help you, Mr. Raj. Have patience,” Sunil tried to console him.

“Mr. Raj, please tell me everything about you, your family, and your business,” Sunil told him.



“My name is Raj Malik. I was born in Jaipur in the year 1975. My father had a readymade garment shop in Jaipur.

I also started a readymade garment shop in Kolkata and expanded it to a wholesale business. I have my office on M G Road here. The company is doing good. I was married to Ranjana, a girl from Jaipur, and we have two children.

The eldest is my daughter Suranjana 22 years old and married to Piyush, who runs a readymade business in Jaipur. Next is my son Babloo, 13 years old, studying in class VIII in a convent school.

I had a mutual divorce three years back, and my wife stays in Jaipur. I transferred my Jaipur house to Ranjana, and she stays there with her parents, youngest brother, our daughter Suranjana and Piyush.

My son has more affinity toward me and prefers to live with me.

My son was kidnapped today as soon as he alighted from the school bus near my shop. The bus conductor reported that as soon as Babloo de-boarded the bus, two persons wielding revolvers overpowered him and fled in a Yamaha bike.

“Did he or anyone see the faces of the kidnappers?” Sunil asked.

“No sir, they were wearing helmets, so faces were hidden.” Raj clarified.

“Did you get any call from kidnappers asking for ransom money? Sunil asked.

“No sir, not yet,” he replied

“Thank you for the information. Now, please give me a picture of your son and your wife, brother-in-law, daughter, and son-in-law,” Sunil asked.

Raj Malik took out his mobile and sent pictures of his son, wife, brother-in-law, and daughter-in-law to Sunil’s WhatsApp.

“Sir, you have a very famous detective agency in this city. Even though the police are investigating the case, I request you to please take up the investigation and get my son released from the kidnappers.

He took out a checkbook from his pocket, wrote a cheque for Rs.5.00 lac, and handed it over to Sunil. “This is an advance for your immediate expenses,” he said.

Renuka gave him an order form to sign and a receipt for the cheque.

“Mr. Raj, does he have a mobile phone?” Sunil asked.

“Yes sir, he has, but the phone is lying in the house, not with him,” Raj Malik replied.

“Do you remember a mobile number, 7468068055?” Sunil inquired.

“I can’t remember the number; I will check and let you know,” Raj promised.

“Mr. Raj, do you suspect anyone?”

“I have little suspicion about my wife and her younger brother. They have always tried to create problems for me,” Raj revealed.

“Give me the name, address, and mobile number of your wife, her brother, daughter, and son-in-law, and the name of Babloo’s school,” Sunil asked.

“Please send his mobile phone to me; it may be of some use,” Sunil said.

Raj Malik left, and Sunil came out with Renuka, closed the office, and went straight to the Guest House in front. They showed the picture of Babloo to him, and he confirmed that he was in the guest house.

Sunil asked the Manager to contact the company CP plus and get the videos available on their server.

Raj Malik called Sunil, “Sir, where to send Babloo’s mobile?”

“Where are you, Raj?” he asked.

“I am at my house on the rear side of the shop,” Raj replied.

“Ok, Raj, I am nearby only so I can come,” he said.

“You are welcome to my house, sir,” Raj said.

Sunil went to his shop, where a person was waiting and took him to Raj’s residence.

The house was a part of the shop and godown. It was a large complex with high boundary walls, and it was pretty tricky for thieves or unauthorized persons to enter there quickly. There were strong steel doors to the entrance. Raj Malik had well-thought security systems there. He could not imagine that there would be such a massive beautiful residential building behind the store.

 He was taken to the drawing room, furnished with thick Kashmiri wall-to-wall carpets, antique sofa sets,  chandeliers, antique pieces of metallic idols of deities, bookshelves displaying encyclopedias, and books.

 Sunil was served Coffee with biscuits and roasted nuts to take tea or coffee.

After coffee, Sunil desired to inspect Babloo’s room. It was a medium size room attached to his father’s bedroom. There was a table and chair in the corner, a rack for keeping books, and a wardrobe for storing clothes. The room was neat, clean, and tidy. Raj’s room was also clean and orderly, and a familiar sweet perfume emanated. He wondered who was using that lady’s perfume in his bedroom!

With his consent, Sunil installed one app in Raj’s cell and told him that the app would keep tracking the locations of all mobile phones of whoever called him. This would help track the kidnappers whenever they called.

He should have told him that he would also be able to track his call details and locations.

This app was procured by Sunil when he was working in Police Department, and no one knew about this except him.

Sunil checked Babloo’s cell phone when he reached home and was surprised to see that the call history, including WhatsApp, was formatted. Someone was trying to hide something; he just smiled.

He called Renuka, but her phone was engaged, so he decided to sleep.


In the morning, he received a call from Raj Malik.

“Mr. Sunil, I received a call from the kidnapper,” he said.

“Did he introduce himself? What did he say?” Sunil inquired.

“He did not introduce himself, just said they had kidnapped Babloo, and he was with them., Raj informed.

“He said that they would contact me soon. And he warned me not to inform the Police,” he continued.

“Did you see his location?” Sunil asked.

“If you have not checked, please go to the call record; you will get his location,”

The mobile was switched off, probably for checking.

“The location is from Noida, UP,” Raj informed.

“Raj, please send me the location and voice recording,” Sunil said.

The mobile number was 7468068055, the same number that Babloo had thrown at his office door yesterday.

“Mr. Raj, do you know whose number is this?” Sunil asked.

“No sir,” Raj replied.

He wondered who the kidnappers were! According to Raj, the suspect could be his wife and brother-in-law in Jaipur. So, what connection could be from Noida? He was puzzled.

He needed to talk to Renuka, his girlfriend. She gave terrific ideas at times. He called her, but the phone was switched off. What was wrong with her, he thought? At night time also, he called, but she did not pick up. And now her mobile was off! He went to her house; her father was sitting on the lawn. He told Sunil that she was out of the station. He was angry with her for leaving the headquarter without informing him.

“Where did she go?” he asked, but her father did not know.

What could be wrong with her? Why did she go out without informing him? He was unable to guess.

He called Jaipur and talked to Ranjana, the divorced wife of Raj Malik.

He introduced himself, told her about the kidnapping of Babloo, and asked whether she was aware. She said Raj had not informed her and started crying. Sunil asked her whether Babloo was not interested in staying with her. And whether he was more attached to his father!

She said,” Babloo was very much attached and wanted to stay with her, but Raj did not allow him. Sir, I have many important things to discuss; please come to Jaipur.”

He suspected some foul play; something was very wrong, and to get the truth, he must meet her.

He immediately checked the availability of the flight. There was a flight at 10.30 AM, and he could catch the flight if he reached the airport by 9.00 AM. He booked a return ticket and rushed to the airport.


The Ola taxi dropped him at the airport by 9.00 AM. He checked in at the Air India counter and passed through security. It was 9.15 AM, and the flight was at 10.15 AM, so he could grab a sandwich and a cup of coffee before boarding the flight.

It was 12.30 P.M. when the flight landed at Jaipur. He hired a taxi to Ranjana’s house. She was waiting for him. She led him to their drawing room and offered him a glass of cold buttermilk.  He felt it very refreshing in the scorching hot weather of Jaipur.

“Sunil, you are just like my brother, and what I am going to tell you may be very shocking, but for your good, I will tell you the truth. I request you to please keep yourself calm. God is there, watching us from above, and according to KARMA, He will punish or reward us.

Sunil was puzzled. What was she talking about? He could not follow.

“Bhaiya (elder brother), you don’t know much about me, but I know many things about you,” she said.

“I know you were a very sincere, honest, and popular officer in the Police department. You resigned from the Government service because your minister Mr. Thakur was after your blood since you arrested his brother in a drug trafficking case.” Oops, she knows everything about me! But how? Sunil could not understand.

“When you resigned, they planted a bug with you,” she continued.

“What kind of bug, sister please tell me clearly,” Sunil requested.

“Not an electronic bug, brother, a human bug,” She halted and looked at him.

Oh God, where was she leading? It appeared as if the sky would fall upon him, Sunil thought.

“Please do not tell in a quiz, Ranjana; I want to hear everything,” he requested.

“They planted a human bug RENUKA in your life!” she spoke.  It was like a big blow to him. He was stunned.

“Renuka was Thakur’s girlfriend, but as per his plan, she acted and pretended to like you,” Ranjana said.

“My husband Raj is a wealthy person. Therefore, the greedy Renuka entered his life from the back door and did such black magic with her lust and beauty that Raj started dancing to her tune and becoming mad for her. He started throwing money at her and neglected my children and me, making our life miserable. Her interference was so intense that our peaceful conjugal relationship was destroyed,” she started sobbing. Tears were rolling down her eyes, and her voice choked.

“Ranjana, please don’t cry. Everything will be fine,” Sunil tried to console her. Sunil was shocked to learn about Renuka's’s infidelity in his love life.

It was good that he had not yet fallen in love with her. He treated her as a close friend only, not a girlfriend.  It was good that Ranjana had opened his eyes, or else he could have suffered more damage.

He thanked Ranjana and promised her that he would handle Raj appropriately so that he could escape from the clutches of this witch, Renuka.

“Ranjana, what do you think about Babloo’s kidnapper?” Sunil asked.

“Raj did not inform me yet about Babloo, but I came to know from a reliable source, and on inquiry, I have learned that Renuka, in connivance with the ex-minister Thakur and his goons, planned the kidnapping and kept my son in one of their houses at the Delhi UP border,” she gave him an important tip.

The Delhi Police is one of the best Police in India. Hence, he took Ranjana and her brother Rahul to Delhi and explained the situation to the senior officers in charge of the area, who immediately sprung into action. They raided the suspected locations and successfully recovered Babloo.

Sunil convinced Raj to understand that he could not trust Renuka, as she had planned to kidnap his son to seek a very high ransom. This shocked him, and the ghost of black magic vanished from his head. He was ashamed of his nasty behavior toward his wife and family and sought forgiveness from them.

His wife Ranjana forgave Raj for his evil deeds and promised each other to live happily ever after.

Renuka admitted to the Police that it was her idea, too, to throw the slip containing a mobile number and the name of Babloo at their office to mislead the Police and also misguide Sunil, to make the kidnapping clumsy and complicated. That would also help demand a high ransom of Rs.50 million.

In this case, he did not have to do much hard work. The credit should go to Ranjana, who gave him a solid clue that led to the discovery of Babloo. He was glad that Raj and Ranjana had united again and they lived a happy family life.

Although this cheap act of Renuka badly hurt him, he prayed to God for saving him from the clutches of this unfaithful girlfriend.

The rich man Raj Malhotra was glad that Sunil could get Babloo released and also for his role in uniting him with Ranjana. One day Ranjana and Raj invited him to their house for dinner and expressed their happiness and gratitude. They also gave him a packet of gift, and when he opened the box it was shocking to see the gift inside…….. (any Guess?)

And what about his Inconstant Love, Renuka? She was spending time in a Prison in Delhi with her gangster friends.


This story, or any other story posted on this Blog/Web site, is entirely a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents portrayed in these are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to the actual person/persons, living or dead, events localities is entirely coincidental.

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Rise of Slum Boy

Read the story of a slum boy New Story Rise of Slum Boy

One day, he asked his mother, “Mom, is it true that you are not my real mother?”
“Why do you say that?” she asked.
“People say that I was lying roadside, and you collected me from there,” he told her.
“God has sent you to me. You are my son; I have breastfed you from the day you came to my house,” she started crying.
“Mom, you are my real mother; please don’t cry,” Sonu said, holding her.
“Mom, when I grow up, I will try my best to look after you. I will give you all luxuries in life,” he said.
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