The Lame Panther

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 The Lame Panther




Hi, I am Major Anand; after voluntary retirement from the Army services, I took over the charge of the Bharat Security Services, Mumbai from my father, Retired Subedar Major Rathore, and the first thing I did was to revamp the organization by expanding our work to include the installation of CC cameras in residential and commercial buildings, and we got an excellent response.

Within two months, our agency completed work for Rs.20 lacs, which was a significant achievement.

We focused on the fitness of all the security guards in our organization. We started with physical and technical training and the latest methodology for the safety and security of the client’s properties.

The customers were happy with our initiatives and better services which increased the number of our clients.

My father had extensive farmland on the Mumbai-Pune highway, which was lying unutilized, and a company was interested in the land for establishing a factory for pesticides and fertilizers and starting a tourist resort. A preliminary agreement was already signed. They had offered a monthly rent of Rs.5 lacs, and our lawyer had prepared a draft Final agreement.

A meeting with M. R. Fertilizers and Pesticides Pvt Ltd was scheduled for today at 4 pm at the Farm, and we were ready to leave; when a call was received from an unknown lady who wanted our help, but the line was disconnected before she could speak further. It appeared someone had snatched the phone from her. So I called Chander, our senior detective, and asked him to trace the caller's name and location.

Chander informed me that the caller's name was Julie Nara, as per the True Caller app and her location was in New Town, Kolkata.

"OK, Chander, please try calling the number after some time," I told him.

My father called and reminded me about the meeting today to finalize the agreement for the farmland.

I informed him that I would reach home within 15 minutes and then go to the farm after lunch.

I had taken a Mahindra 7-seater car since we were seven, including our three detectives.

Lunch was ready at home; we had a quick meal and left for the Farm at Shivkar village on Mumbai Pune Highway.

On the way, the lawyer explained the salient points of the final draft agreement. First, the deal was to rent three acres of farmland for ten years initially, no permanent nature of work would be permitted.

The monthly rent will be increased by 15% every three years. In addition, the tenant will have to follow all the general rules related to construction and pollution as notified by the Government of Maharashtra from time to time.

The Manager and Accountant of the company were waiting for us at the farm. I inquired about their Company's owner; they clarified that it was a Private Limited company with several Partners. The Managing Director of the firm was Mr. Natraj, and he had authorized them to sign the final agreement on behalf of the company. They produced a copy of the authorization duly signed by the Managing Director.

The total area of farmland was four acres, and we had agreed to give them three acres of land on rent, which we jointly verified and demarcated.

 The lawyer asked them to submit the Security Deposit as a Banker’s note for Rs.500 lacs duly pledged in our favor. They would also deposit six-month rent before we sign the final agreement.

The meeting ended, and we left for Mumbai.



In one and a half hours, we reached Mumbai and I had a discussion with Chander and the other two detectives in my house. Chander broke the news that the dead body of Ms. Julie Nara was recovered from her apartment in New Town, Kolkata.

“When did she die?” I was surprised.

“The dead body has been recovered by her son today when he arrived from Chennai,” Chander said.

“Sir, I think we have to go to Kolkata,” Chander suggested.

“What connection do we have with her?”  I reacted.

“It seems that the case is concerning to us, up to some extent,” Chander said.

“Is it like that? Please give me the details,” I asked him.

“Some notorious gang of drug smugglers kidnaped her daughter Jasmine, and they had threatened her not to report it to the Police. Ms. Julie warned them to release her daughter Jasmine immediately, or else she would report the matter to the police. It seems that yesterday some gangsters entered her house and stabbed her to death; however, before dying, she wrote on the floor Black Panther with her blood,” Chander said.

“This is what I have gathered from my contact in Kolkata. And the Black Panthers were threatening the army officers, including Major General Jasmit Garg because they had killed their leader in an encounter at the India-Pak border in Punjab. So that is concerning us too. Isn’t it?” Chander asked.

“Yes, you are right, Chander, it needs thorough investigation. Moreover, the Army has already paid us for a drive against the drug smugglers, who are deliberately trying to weaken our country. So I agree with you; we need to go to Kolkata for investigation,” I agreed with him.

“Let me speak to Major General Garg,” I dialed his number.

Mr. Garg received the call, and I explained the incident to him. He directed me to go to Kolkata immediately and investigate the matter. He said there was a report regarding the infiltration of some Black Panther members in the country and trying to re-group.

He said he would communicate with the local Army and Naval officers at Kolkata to render all possible help and cooperation to us; if needed. He would also request the West Bengal Police to cooperate with us in this matter.

“Let’s go, all of us; we may need helping hands,” I told Chander.

“Sir, there is an Indigo flight tomorrow at 8 am. Seats may be available. Should I try to book tickets?” he asked me.

I asked him to go ahead. So the tickets were bought, and we decided we would meet at the airport tomorrow at 6 am.



I reached the airport at 6 am; Chander, Ronnie, and Sammi were already there. The flight departed as per the scheduled time. Chander’s contact Mr. Sinha was an Inspector in Kolkata Police, and he had come personally to receive us at the airport as requested by Chander. The location of New Town fell under his jurisdiction, and the Commissioner of Police, Kolkata, had also asked him to render all required assistance to us.

We decided that we would first visit Ms. Julie Nara's apartment and later go to the hotel.

Our team reached the apartment of the Late Ms. Julie. Her son was available in the flat, and he opened the door. Unfortunately, the police had sealed the room where she was found dead. Mr. Sinha opened the door, and we inspected the room. A marking with white chalk showed the position of the body. In addition, we found a Black panther scribbled on the floor.

According to Mr. Sinha, it was clear that the criminal stabbed her, locked the flat from the outside, and left. Her son Madan came from Chennai yesterday and opened the door with a duplicate key; when there was no response from inside the house. He noticed his mother lying dead on the floor and reported it to the Police.

“Madan, please tell us what you know about this unfortunate incident,” I asked him.

“I am studying Engineering in Chennai. My mom called on Sunday and informed me that two goons had entered the house and forcibly taken my elder sister Jasmine with them. They told her my sister would be released in a few days after she had accomplished important work for them.  They warned my mother of dire consequences if she reported to the police,” he stopped and started crying.

“I searched on the net and came to know about your agency Bharat Security Services in Mumbai, and I gave the number to her.”

“It appears that she tried to call you in front of them, and they killed her,” Madan halted.

“My mother knew that they were drug smugglers, and they wanted to use my sister for smuggling drugs,”

“Please save my sister, sir. I don’t know where she is now and in what condition,” Madan wept.

“Brother, please don’t cry. We shall get her back,” I consoled him.

“Did your mother give you any more details about them? I mean their look, figure, height, and name! Did she mention anything?” I asked him.

“Sir, she mentioned two persons about 35 years of age. One of them had a deformity in one leg and was limping. Their skin color was brownish,” Madan informed.

“Please give us a picture of your sister and a copy of her Aadhar Card. Where was she working?” I asked.

“She was working in a readymade garment shop, Fancy Dresses, in the Khidirpur dock area,” he said.

Chander gave him his mobile number and asked him to contact him if he remembered anything relevant.

I asked Inspector Sinha whether they had police protection for Madan.

“Yes, we have kept two police-armed guards in plain clothes,” Sinha replied.

I consoled Madan, came out along with Sinha, went to a three-star hotel, where he had  booked accommodation  for us in the Park Street area.

“Any special reason for staying in Park Street?” Chander asked Inspector Sinha.

“Yes, the main reason is that; this is a posh and safe area. Secondly, there are many educational institutes nearby, and young boys and girls are the targets for the consumption of narcotics and drugs. Hence you might come across some drug peddlers in bars and restaurants looking for customers. If you are having luck, you might find someone selling information about abductors and drug dealers.

Mr. Sinha wanted to leave, but Chander requested that he join us for lunch. Sinha was an old-time friend of Chander, and on his request, he stayed back. He seemed to be a good person.

Two double bedrooms; were booked for us. We decided to take lunch in the room to discuss the case freely. We called a steward into the room and placed an order for lunch.

Chander inquired Inspector Sinha about information the police had about the killer. He informed that police agents were still trying to get information about the Black Panther and the killer. However, it seemed that the kidnapped girl Jasmine was still in Kolkata since they had activated all the check posts, and strict vigil was maintained at inter-state and international borders. So far, there was no information, but they hoped to get some breaking news.

Anand inquired whether police had gotten any information from the Readymade Cloth store where Jasmine was working. He said that police had contacted them yesterday, but there was nothing significant to throw light on this case.

Mr. Sinha left for his office after lunch, and I sat for a discussion with my team members.

“Friends, we are in the dark and have no sufficient clue regarding this case. Let us look at the sequence of events,” I started a discussion.

1. Yesterday, on Monday, we received a call from Ms. Julie at 12.30 pm, but she could not speak since someone snatched the phone from her.

2. According to Sinha, she probably died yesterday after 12.30 PM.

3. Her daughter Jasmine was kidnapped the day before yesterday, on Sunday.

4. Why did the goons of Black Panther pick her for drug smuggling? Most probably, she was known to them, and she might have been used earlier for carrying drugs or contraband materials.

5. How did they dare to enter an apartment? Whether the security guards make entry at the main gate? This has to be adequately examined.

6. Whether or not Jasmine was used in the past and whether her brother Madan was aware of anything.

7.What are the probable places for hiding Jasmine?

8.Whether the Lame Panther belonged to the Black Panther group. This has to be confirmed by police sources.


I sought the views of Chander. Ronnie and Sammi were listening to the conversations.

·  Chander believed that they should collect information from the security guards regarding the entry of the goons to the Apartment and how they could take out Jasmine from the campus without any resistance from the guards. Whether Were they known to the guards?

·   Postmortem report of Ms. Julie should be obtained.

·   Inquiry from the readymade garment shop to be made and whether they have any information about Jasmine’s close friends.

·   The drugs are usually smuggled through waterways by ship or boat. Hence, they could get some information about the Black Panther group from the Navy.

Ronnie believed that Jasmine might be kept near the Port, and information on this may be collected. There were many shady areas near the dock that even police did not dare to enter due to the presence of mafias.

It was decided that Ronnie and Sammi would return to Ms. Julie’s apartment, check the visitor’s register, meet Madan, and try to find out whether Jasmine had a boyfriend. Also, examine how the goons entered the apartment so quickly that Jasmine could be taken out from the premises and they could murder Ms. Julie.

Chander and I would meet the navy officials and seek help locating Jasmine, especially in the dock area or in the Bay of Bengal.



I called the office of the Naval Officer, Kolkata, which his Secretary received. He introduced himself and referenced the message sent by Major General Garg.

“Major Anand, we have received a message from Major General Garg, and necessary instructions have been issued to the Coast Guards. Please come over here. I am fixing your appointment with Captain Sudhakar, Officer In-charge, Coast Guards, at 4 pm. The Naval officer ordered the coast guards to take immediate action and cooperate with us.

We met Captain Sudhakar, the officer in charge of the coast guards, and shared the details of Jasmine and the suspected kidnappers. He was glad to meet me, an ex-army officer, and assured me of their prompt action. However, he asked us to wait for a little, so he could collect information from his coast guards on duty.

A Lieutenant rank officer came and said that day before yesterday, on Sunday; a private vessel had left for Bangladesh in the evening. The ship was carrying goods to Bangladesh; The crew members and civilians all possessed Bangladesh passports. The civilians had valid Indian tourist visas and were cleared. There was a girl about 26 years. One person accompanying her had a problem in walking and was limping.

I gave him a picture of Jasmine and requested them to verify whether she was on the vessel from their records.

Within 30 minutes, it was confirmed that the girl’s name was Jasline Malik, as per the passport issued by Bangladesh. However, the picture of Jasmine and Jasline was the same. Raj Malik and Monu Malik were the two male members with her as per Bangladesh passports. Raj Malik was having a problem with his feet and was limping. I requested him to get details of their tickets and pictures.

They realized the situation was grave, as the abducted Indian girl Jasmine was taken to Bangladesh.  

I informed Sudhakar that Black Panther was a dreaded international organization of drug smugglers who issued common threats to the army officers. Therefore, the army was taking action against the members of Black Panther, and the military was already after them.

Captain Sudhakar called the coast guards and gave me the details of all the passengers and sailors on the Bangladesh ship. Captain Sudhakar assured me he had good coordination with Bangladesh coast guards and would collect information about all the people on that ship and send it to me.

Ronnie and Sammi had gone to the apartment of Ms. Julie in New Town and talked with the security guards of the apartment on duty. They informed them that two persons known to Jasmine had come last Sunday to meet her and were allowed to enter. The security guards said that these persons would pick up or drop her off frequently. The day she disappeared, she was seen going out with them in normal condition, and she did not raise the alarm; as such, the guards suspected no foul play.

Ronnie and Sammi later met Madan and told him what the guards had observed; and whether he knew these people. He said that since he was studying in Chennai, he was unaware of them.

He said his mother was a widow and used to get a family pension after his father, a retired loco driver in the railways, died. She was getting Rs.50,000 per month. Jasmine was also earning well.

Later they visited the readymade garment shop M/s Fancy Center in Khidirpur, where Jasmine used to work.

The shop was dealing in imported readymade ladies’ garments and novelties like tops, jeans, innerwear, warm clothes, perfumes, and gift items at wholesale rates and sold at retail prices. However, the Manager told them that no one had visited her in the shop. Hence, he was not aware of her friends.

Ronnie called and updated me about the information collected. Then, I asked them to return to the hotel.

Ronnie and Sammi came back.

I received a phone call from Captain Sudhakar.

My contact in Dhaka informed me that the Bangladesh cargo vessel from Kolkata to Dhaka takes four days or more, and it was yet to reach there. However, it was likely to arrive there on Friday or Saturday.


We all had a hectic day and needed to relax and review the outcome to decide on a future course. The time now is 7 pm. I asked everyone to assemble in my room at 7.45 pm for a review.


Chander had bought a bottle of Black Level Scotch whisky. He poured four small pegs, placed the glasses in front of us, and asked Sammi to order snacks. “Let’s sip and discuss,” he said.

“The way Jasmine went out with those two persons, Raj and Monu Malik, without any resistance indicates that it cannot be a case of abduction,” he said.

“I also feel like that. However, she appears to be well known to the two people, so she does not raise any alarm,” I put up my views.

“Murder of Ms. Julie is a mystery! What may be the reason?” I spoke.

“I cannot say much since I have no proof. But I am sure that Jasmine should know about this!” he replied.

“Where is Jasmine now?” I questioned.

“Must be in the cargo vessel, sir, as intimated by Captain Sudhakar,” he said. 

“What shall we do now? It is pointless to waste time here in Kolkata,” he continued.

“Let’s go back to Mumbai. We may go to Dhaka by air from Mumbai,” I said.

“But before we go, please let Inspector Sinha find out about these two guys, Raj Malik and Monu Malik. Please send him a copy of their Bangladesh passports.”

“Sir, let’s go out for dinner,” Ronnie suggested.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked him.

“There is a private place nearby run by a family.  The environment there is quite good. We can order food from some decent restaurants nearby. The place is visited by a few smugglers occasionally.  Maybe we can find someone helpful,” he stopped and looked at me.

“Not a bad idea; what do you say, Chander,” I asked.

“Let’s go, no harm. At least it will be a mood changer,” he smiled.

We went out, and Ronnie bought two Black Label scotch whisky bottles. We did not have to walk much. Hardly 500 meters away, there was a private bungalow. Ronnie stopped there.

One Anglo-Indian lady looked through a small window in the door and switched on the light. She looked suspiciously at us but recognized Ronnie.

She opened the door and hugged Ronnie.

“Hi Ronnie, what are you doing here?” she said happily.

Ronnie introduced her as Mrs. Braganza.

“Aunty, they are my close friends, Anand, Chander, and Sammi,” he introduced us to her.

“Nice that you all came. I will arrange a beautiful place for you all,” she took us inside.

It was an ancient house right from the British time. The house had a wooden floor, many antique sofa sets, and a large dining table. Several young beautiful young girls were sitting on the sofas.

There were many rooms on the ground floor, but she took us to the first floor through the wooden staircase. There was a big drawing room, a few bedrooms, and a kitchen. My daughters Merry and Quincy stay on this floor. This is exclusively for your use today; no other guest will come here. I will call Merry and Quincy. They will take good care of you.

Two young girls came and shook hands with us. Then, after we settled on the sofa, the girls sat with us.

“What drinks will you take?” Quincy asked. Merry placed crystal glasses, an ice bucket, soda, and bottled water on the table.

“We have brought scotch whisky,” and I placed a bottle on the center table.

“Wow, Black Label, Scotch Whisky! Fantastic,” she was happy.

Quincy brought roasted cashew nuts and peanuts.

“What would you like in snacks?” she asked.

“What can we get?”

She brought a menu card from Charminar Restaurant.

There were many Indian and Chinese items of food.

I suggested Chinese Chicken Manchurian, Chicken Chow Mein, and Garlic Prawn.

Quincy said that she would place the order, and within 20 minutes, we could expect the food.

Mrs. Braganza joined us and poured small drinks for herself and us.

“What about the girls?” Chander asked.

“They don’t take hard drinks; they will take Jin with lime cordial,” she said.

The girls brought a bottle of Blue Ribbon Jin and poured it into their glasses.

We raised our glasses and cheered!

We had finally settled down comfortably. The girls played a Pink Floyd number on the music system, and the atmosphere relaxed. Ronnie and Sammi danced with those two girls, and I was making friends with Mrs. Braganza.

She told me about her husband, working in the Indian army as a junior commissioned officer and sacrificed his life during the Indo-China war in 1965. He was a charming and brave officer, and she greatly missed him; what do you do, Anand?” she asked.

“I am Retired Major from Army,” I replied to her.

“Wow, that’s great. But how did you retire so young?” she asked.

I told her that my father is also a retired army officer, and I took retirement to look after him after my mother died. She was very impressed.

“Are you married?” she asked.

“No, not yet,” I said.

“What do you do now?” she inquired.

“I run a security agency,” I replied.

“You are a nice person,” She commented.

The snacks came, and the girls transferred them to casseroles, placed them on our table, and gave us plates, spoons, and forks.

The food looked excellent. We all enjoyed it.

The environment was very pleasing in the decent room and good company.

Ronnie hinted at me inquiring about information on the Black Panther group in the city.

Mrs. Braganza was looking at me. “Do you need any information?” she asked.

“Yes, Aunty, I require information about a smuggler group Black Panther,” I told her.

“No problem. I will arrange the information for you from reliable sources, but you have to pay,” she said.

The girls were very good in service, and their behavior was decent. It was nearly 11 pm when the girls asked us to order dinner.

I asked Aunty and the girls what they would like to eat. They suggested ordering two plates of American Chop suey, two dishes of Chinese Hakka Noodles, and one container of chicken Biryani.

The food arrived, and we all enjoyed it. We were ready to return to the hotel after clearing the bills for food and snacks. I gave a tip of Rs.5000 to Mrs. Braganza and Rs.1000 to both the girls. They were pleased. I reminded her about the information on drug smugglers, especially about the Black Panthers.

I was glad that Ronnie’s recommendation was excellent.




In the morning Ronnie’s cell was ringing.

“Good morning. Can you come to New Market?”

“Who is calling?” he asked then he recognized her voice.

“Ok aunty. Time?”

“10 O’clock,” Mrs. Braganza replied and disconnected.

I was listening to the conversation.

“Should I go? She is calling at 10 am?” he asked me.

“You go, listen to her minutely,” I told.

“New market is not far from here. You take your breakfast quickly and go,” I advised him.

“Sir should I accompany him? Sammi asked.

“I think it is not necessary, however you may go together and watch them from a distance,” I ordered.

They left after breakfast and we were ready to listen to their conversation through his GPS and Bluetooth enabled wrist watch.

The GPS and Bluetooth enabled watch was very useful to listen to their conversation and also to track their location.

Mrs. Braganza was asking him to follow her to the rear side of the market.

“Listen carefully. I contacted a person who is drug peddler. He says the Black Panther has no much presence in West Bengal. They are mostly active on Punjab border. However, there are two men, who smuggle narcotics from Bangladesh to Kolkata occasionally. Their names are Raj and Monu. They have a woman member also, who looks after distribution in Kolkata area. Her name is Jasline. They were here few days back and murdered one lady. The police were looking for them, so they fled away to Bangladesh, Dhaka three days back,” Mrs. Braganza spoke

Ronnie thanked her and they dispersed.


Ronnie and Sammi came back. I and Chander had already listened to Mrs. Braganza. The case was becoming clumsy. The picture of Jasline and Jasmine tallied with the Bangladesh passport. The confusion was whether they are one person or two different persons.

If Jasmine and Jasline are one person, then why was her mother Julie killed? No daughter will allow her friends to kill her own mother. And with this theory Jasline is a different person.

I wondered where did Jasmine go? This was a big question mark!

“How to confirm that Jasline was not Jasmine?

“Chander can you track her phone number? I asked.

“We have one cell number for Jasmine, given by her brother and another one for Jasline  which we got from the Coast Guards, Kolkata,” Chander said.

“I think we should call Jasmine’s number first.”

Chander dialed her number, but it did not ring.

I told Chander to trace out location of this number. Chander contacted the service provider and requested to find out it’s location. They wanted payment in advance, which he paid. After half an hour we received it’s GPS location and a map.

The report indicated that the mobile phone’s battery was down. The location was in Chandan Nagar, Hoogly District, near Civil Hospital.

Chander called Mr. Sinha, Inspector and asked him to locate her. He called the Police Station, Chandan Nagar and requested them to search her near the Hospital. There was prompt action and it was reported to him that a girl about 28 year old was rescued in a serious condition from the Hoogly river. She is in the hospital in critical condition. We gave the information to her brother and asked him to accompany us to Chandan Nagar.

Sinha said that we better take a well-equipped ambulance from Kolkata. We requested him to arrange the ambulance. Distance to Chandan Nagar was about 70 Km from Kolkata and the journey time by road will be one and half an hour.

The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes. We hired a car for us. Madan also reached to our hotel and we started for Chandan Nagar in car and the ambulance ahead of us with siren and blue flickering light.

Madan was very depressed. We consoled him. We reached there in 90 minutes.

The Officer in-Charge, Chandan Nagar Police Station met us and took to the ICU ward where Jasmine was lying on a bed. I talked to the doctor on duty. He said that that she appeared to have been pushed into the river. There are some bruises on her body, water from her abdomen has been pumped out. She is stable and can travel in ambulance with oxygen support. A paramedic will accompany her in ambulance.

We felt a bit relieved since she would survive. Madan also went with her in the ambulance. She will be admitted in R G Kar Hospital, Kolkata.

We reached R G Kar Hospital, where the doctors were already alerted by Mr. Sinha, Inspector. She was taken to emergency ward and then to ICU ward. The doctors started the treatment immediately. Oxygen was being given and X-Ray of chest was done. Ultra sound of abdomen was also to be done.

They checked body thoroughly for extent of damages and injuries. The senior doctor said that water had entered her body and she was choking and that’s why she became senseless. She was out of danger as her vital organs were functioning normally. Some more relatives had arrived in hospital. 

We felt relieved after we could recover Jasmine alive. They wanted to kill her, but God is great he saved her life. We could locate her and brought her to Kolkata safely, is also our achievement. We were waiting for Jasmine to regain her senses, after that some more doubts would be cleared.   

The following morning Madan informed him that Jasmine had regained senses and was able to speak. We informed Sinha and we all were present while she was giving statement. She was abducted by the two Black Panther guys on Saturday, when she was returning home from the readymade garment shop in the evening. There was a Bangladeshi girl Jasline with them who looked alike Jasmine. They went to Mrs. Julie’s house and told her that they were from Black Panther group and were temporarily exchanging her with Jasmine. Jasline had to stay with her for a short period of time to accomplish some works in India, after which Jasmine would come and Jasline would go. They warned that she should not reveal this to Police or anyone, else she would face dire consequences.

Mrs. Julie had revolted against them, moreover she was threatening to report the matter to police. So on Monday when she tried to call Major Anand, the Lame Panther was wild and stabbed her with knife and they left the apartment with Jasline. The guards took Jasline as Jasmine.

After coming out from the flat they locked it from outside.

Mrs. Julie before dying scribbled Black Panther on the floor with her own blood.

The two goons took Jasmine near the Hoogly river and pushed her in the river. It was her good luck that some fisher men on boat saved her and placed her on the river bank from there auto rikshaw took her to the Government hospital at Chandan Nagar.

I briefed Inspector, Sinha regarding Raj Malik, Monu Malik and Jasline Malik, who had fled to Bangladesh in a cargo vessel on last Monday. Gave him copy of their passports, which I had received from the coast guards.

I sent a detailed report to Major General Garg, along with copies of all the documents.


[If you have read my story  Sea Queen , you must have known that the army had engaged Bharat Security Services, Mumbai to take action against drug smugglers and especially about the Black Panther group. This story The Lame Panther is in continuity to that. There is a third and last part of the story, which will be posted in future.]


[Note: I will appreciate if you please offer your comments, so that I may understand your liking and requirement. Thank you. Pradeep Bhaiya]


 Disclaimer: This story, or any other story posted on this Blog/Web site, is entirely a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents portrayed in these are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to the actual person/persons, living or dead, events localities is entirely coincidental.




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